
Free cyber risk assessments For Law Practices

Get More Clients & Protect Your Law Practice, Free of Charge

Want an affordable cybersecurity solution that’s specialized for practices like yours?

Protect your revenue, reputation, and prove to potential clients that their data will be safe through our free cyber risk assessment.

Model understands the unique needs of law firms. Their ownership has deep law services experience and understands how important cybersecurity and attorney ‘white glove’ service is keep our firm secure and growing.”

Jerry Haines, IT Manager – Harrison LLP

“If Model suddenly went away, I don’t think we’d hire someone else. We’d have to come up with a different way of doing things. Because I think they’re irreplaceable.”

A Current Client | Legal Services

We depend on [Model] as valuable team members and as an extension of our internal resources.

Susan Taylor | Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner | Legal Services

“They know us, we know them, they know our environment, they know how our lawyers work. [When new projects come up, hiring them is] so much easier than starting at ground zero.”

A Current Client | Legal Services

“When we have a specific challenge related to Windows, we generally reach out to Model first to ask for advice. In many situations we end up creating a statement of work for them.”

Anonymous By Request, A Current Client | Legal Services

We often end up circling back to Model, even if we’ve reached out to other companies. When you have an organization where you have trust with it’s much more comfortable.

A Current Client | Legal Services

“Attorneys need to constantly assess the security of their practices and evolve with the new threats and methods. Firms won’t survive with a “set it and forget it” mentality.

All law firms would be wise to heed the words of Benjamin Franklin when it comes to cybersecurity: ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.'”

American BAR Association

Every Day Your Law Firm Is More Vulnerable to Attacks

Your practice is a prime target for cyber criminals. Your databases are filled with sensitive client data, and a data breach could mean a loss of clients, reputation, and could have significant financial consequences for your office.

A data breach cost on average 4.24 million in 2021. Further, more clients and insurance providers are now asking for proof of data compliance. Assessing, reassessing, and improving your security is now essential to prevent a breach and maintain trust with your customers.

Most providers will charge you $10,000 to $50,000 per assessment. Hiring an in-house cybersecurity expert can be expensive too: Over $100,000/year. Your office likely can’t afford to pay that much. Instead, you need an affordable and specialized solution to assess your practice that doesn’t break the bank.

Defend Your Clients’ Data & Bring The Gavel Down On Cyber Threats

At Model Technology Solutions, we’re experts in helping law offices like yours to manage their data and cyber risk. We can help you go from cyber-vulnerable to having all the information that you need to defend and grow your practice, completely free of charge.

All you have to do is provide us with the necessary information for your assessment, and we’ll walk you through it step by step.

When we’re done, you’ll receive a third-party risk report you can use to identify and manage high-priority risks and prove data compliance to existing and would-be clients to win their trust.

Why wait until you have to pay for an assessment? Instead, protect your revenue, reputation, and have the right reports in place to reassure your customers…all at zero cost.

“A lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of a client.”

American Bar Rule 1.6 Section ©

Policies & Frameworks

A Security & Compliance Solution Customized For Law Services

Our risk assessment covers 11+ frameworks, so you can get and prove your compliance faster, especially in high-risk industries like law services.

✓ SOC 2



✓ CIS V8


✓ NIST SP 800-53



✓ NIST SP 800-171


✓ ISO 27001


Why Assess The Security Of Your Law Office?

Secure Your Data

Can you imagine what would happen if a criminal leaked your clients’ data? Protect your clients’ information and your reputation as a place where your clients’ data will be safe.

Increase Your Contribution

Keep your cybersecurity costs low. Get top-tier legal cybersecurity advice at a lower cost than hiring an in-house expert. Also lower cybersecurity insurance premiums when you prove your office isn’t a liability.

Increase Your Total Leverage

Keep your earners earning and your office practicing, not managing or recovering from a breach. Identify and address potential threats before they become major problems.

Prove Compliance

Get support in preparing for and responding to regulatory reviews, investigations, and queries from potential customers. Always have the right documentation at your fingertips to create new business development opportunities based on trust.

Stay Informed

Understand the practical frameworks, policies, procedures, and technologies required to comply with ever-changing regulations, domestic and international.

Compare & Contrast

Get 100% clarity into how you sit compared to other law firms. 

Get Expert Implementation Support

On-request, our project implementation team can help you complete your recommended tasks quickly and cost-effectively.

why Model Technology Solutions

If You Own Or Help Manage A Law Practice, Our Risk Assessment Is For You

After many years of trusted partnerships with global law firms, we realized our company is uniquely suited to provide industry-specific risk management for law services providers. Put quite simply, we enjoy working with legal professionals. We understand their struggles and needs, and we have the experience to make legal partnerships more successful than many other providers.

With us on your team, you’ll never have to explain the intricacies of your industry. We come trained and equipped to make your experience as easy, successful, and profitable as possible.

“Model understands the unique needs of law firms. Their ownership has deep law services experience and understands how important cybersecurity and attorney ‘white glove’ service is keep our firm secure and growing.”

Jerry Haines, IT Manager – Harrison LLP

One Small Step For You, A Giant Leap For Your Security

You need a cybersecurity solution that’s tailored to your budget and your industry. Get 100% clarity into your current cyber posture, prove compliance, and grow your revenue with a free security assessment. Start today with no risk and zero cost.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data I give to you secure?

Yes! All of your data is secured in a SOC 2 compliant environment. We live by the lessons that we preach.

After the assessment, how do I get my information out of your environment if I don’t want to continue?

We’ll be sad to see you go. But unlike cyber criminals, we’re not interested in selling your data. All of your data will be deleted automatically if you decide not to continue with us after the assessment.

Why are you offering the security assessment free of charge? 

You’re quite right. Companies do normally charge anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000 for a one time security assessment. We’re giving it to you for free. Why?

At the end of the day, we categorically object to cyber crime, and we love to help firms like yours to prevent it. We know that by simply getting an assessment you can identify areas you need to improve, prove your compliance, and grow your business – all without paying a dime. We love providing that much value without sending a single bill.

Also, we love working with law offices, and we have many years of experience doing so. We’re confident that many offices will, once they complete the assessment, have the forward-thinking attitude and budget to continue to work with us long term through our risk management services.

Our risk management services are the logical continuation of the risk assessment. Once you identify your risks, our cybersecurity risk management team can meet with you monthly to review critical threats, set tailored goals, track progress, and help you understand how both global and domestic compliance requirements apply to you. 

You’ll also get access to our award-winning AI-Powered vCISO Portal. This portal gives you the ability to get real-time insights into evolving cyber threats, create a plan to improve your security, and export up-to-date reports. You’ll spend more time practicing law and growing your practice when you delegate managing your cyber risk.

Not interested in continued services? No problem! There’s no obligation. We’re still happy to help you with your goal of preventing cyber crime through a free assessment – it’s what we do. We’ll go home content knowing you’re farther on your journey than you were before we met.

What is the cost of the risk management services once the assessment is complete?

We customize a service offering to your needs. We can either charge you hourly or create a custom managed services contract with service level agreements. We work with you based on your budget, needs, and preferences.